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Spider Veins
Spider veins are a cosmetic complaint usually associated with fair skin colour making superficial veins more visible. They appear to be  tiny blue, red, and purple web-like veins on the surface of the skin. They are broken capillaries, often associated with larger reticular veins. They are found most often in the legs.
Pregnancy can worsen the appearance of spider veins.


There are easy and very successful treatments for spider veins available, usually through injection of a sclerosant substance (Sclerotherapy) that collapses the vein essentially closing it from further blood supply. Stockings need to be worn for about 2 weeks after this treatment.

Immediately following treatment, the veins may become swollen and bruised, the area treated will have a raised appearance at the injection site and you may experience some temporary discomfort or
itchy sensation.

At RB Vein Clinic, we offer medical sclerotherapy to help treat varicose and spider veins in the legs. Medical sclerotherapy can also improve the appearance and symptoms caused by varicose veins, like night cramps, swelling, aching, and burning sensations. Click on treatment tab to learn about the treatments and procedures.

Contact our office - Email : today, to learn more about the medical sclerotherapy treatments offered at RB Vein Centre. Call or Whatsapp 0645038261 to book a FREE vein screening appointment.

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