There are three broad categories of procedures that we offer. You may fall into one of these categories or we may need to tailor a quote exactly to your needs. The broad categories are:
Radiofrequency ablation to Long saphenous and short saphenous veins of the leg(s). This can cost between R25000,- to R40000,- depending on how many veins need to be ablated. In most cases, your medical aid will cover this procedure from IN HOSPITAL benefits. This means that your day to day savings for GP visits and medication will not be affected. Even if you are on a hospital plan e.g. Discovery Coastal core, the procedure will still be paid for by your medical aid with no co-payment required. Certain medical aids will not cover this procedure. These include but are not limited to: Discovery Keycare, Medshield, Momentum. In all cases, we will obtain authorization from your medical aid before embarking on the procedure so that you are not at risk of incurring unexpected costs. We will never commence the treatment until we have obtained a formal authorization in writing from your medical aid.
Liquid sclerotherapy for perforator varicose veins - This can cost from R6000,- to R12000,- depending on how many veins need to be injected. In most cases, your medical aid will cover this procedure from IN HOSPITAL benefits. This means that your day to day savings for GP visits and medication will not be affected. Even if you are on a hospital plan e.g. Discovery Coastal core, the procedure will still be paid for by your medical aid with no co-payment required. Certain medical aids will not cover this procedure. These include but are not limited to: Discovery Keycare, Medshield, Momentum. In all cases, we will obtain authorization from your medical aid before embarking on the procedure so that you are not at risk of incurring unexpected costs. We will never commence the treatment until we have obtained a formal authorization in writing from your medical aid.
Liquid sclerotherapy for spider veins/ reticular veins or telangiectasias - this is considered to be a purely cosmetic procedure. Therefore, very few if any medical aids will cover this procedure. The cost of this procedure varies depending on the number of veins that you need injected and the number of injection sessions required. We are limited by the amount of sclerosant that we can inject per session. It would be best to come in for a consultation with our vein specialist and get a detailed quotation for the procedure including number of sessions required. The injection sessions are typically 2-4 weeks apart. Speak to us to tailor a payment plan which we can plan to coincide with your monthly paydays.
We generally do not laser the varicose veins during pregnancy. Most often, the veins will go down after pregnancy. If they persist for > 6 weeks after your delivery, please contact us and come in for a consultation and venous ultrasound.
Don’t wait to see a doctor. Women often are told not to have their varicose veins treated until after they’re done having children, but that’s not always the case. They should be evaluated for treatment. Varicose veins can become more difficult to treat if future pregnancies make them worse.
What is Endovenous Ablation Therapy for varicose veins?
There are a number of treatments are available for varicose veins that are quick and easy, and don't require a long recovery time. One of these options is endovenous ablation which is equally as effective as traditional surgery, with shorter recovery times, faster return to work and healing times. This minimally invasive procedure uses lasers or radiowaves to create heat to close off a varicose vein. Your vein specialist makes a tiny cut in the skin near the varicose vein and then inserts a small tube called a catheter into the vein. A device at the tip of the tube heats up the inside of the vein and closes it off.
Is a patient awake during Endovenous Ablation Therapy?
Yes – the patient will be awake during this procedure; however, the doctor will number the area around the vein. You will also be given sedation in case you get anxious.
Can you walk after Endovenous Ablation Therapy?
We encourage patients to start walking immediately after the procedure, but we recommend avoiding strenuous exercises such as weight training for two-three weeks to allow time to fulling heal and for the vein to remain closed.